— Matrika Heritage Hospital

Laparoscopic Procedures

What is Laparoscopy?

Laparoscopy is a way of doing surgery using small incisions (0.3 – 1.2 cm). It is different from open surgery where the incision on skin can be several inches long. It is also called as minimal invasive surgery (MIS).

What Gynaecological problems can be diagnosed or/and treated by gynae laparoscopic surgeon?

What surgeries can be done with gynae laparoscopic surgeon?

How is laparoscopic surgery done?

Laparoscopic surgery is done under general anaesthesia and it uses a special fibre optic instrument called laparoscopy, that is inserted into the abdomen through small incision, attached to a camera. This allows the surgeon to look inside your abdominal and pelvic cavity which is visualised on a video screen, without disturbing the normal anatomical relations inside the body.

Diseases can also be corrected in the same sitting by inserting additional surgical instruments through other tiny incisions. You can have 3-4 tiny incisions while undergoing laparoscopy. Once the procedure is completed, all instruments are removed, incisions are closed and area is covered with small bandages.

It is possible to record the whole surgery for future references.

What are the benefits of laparoscopy

Immediate post-operative period after laparoscopy

Recovery after laparoscopy Surgery

What is the risk associated with laparoscopy

Minor Complications which occur in 1 or 2 out of 100 surgeries and include:

Laparoscopic Surgery Complications

Laparoscopy is a safe surgical procedure and hence serious complications are rare. Some rare Laparoscopy complications include-

What is safety of laparoscopic surgery ?

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