— Matrika Heritage Hospital

Cosmetic Gynaecological Procedures

What Is Cosmetic Gynaecology?

“We have to reshape our own perception of how we view ourselves and our needs. “ – Beyonce

WHO defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. “ Cosmetic Gynaecology is one of the emerging and innovative subspecialties of gynaecology that includes both cosmetic procedures to enhance the aesthetics of vulvo-vaginal region, as well as functional repairs to restore sexual function following changes that occur post delivery and/or with aging. With increasing awareness about female genitalia, women around the world have started opting for cosmetic gynaecology procedures, with the aim of improving the overall functionality of vagina and perineum, also enhancing their appearance. Initially cosmetic gynaecology was done by plastic surgeons and other specialities, however recent scientific studies support the procedures done more efficiently by trained cosmetic gynaecologists. We are one of the pioneers in cosmetic gynaecologist in Darbhanga.


Why Matrika Heritage Hospital for cosmetic Gynaecology in Darbhanga?

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. “ Martin Luther King

We at Matrika Heritage Hospital are a brand of new generation gynaecologists who respect all aspects of women’s health ranging from physical, mental, psychological and sexual well being. Since time immemorial, post delivery and /or aging aspects of female sexual health have continuously been ignored. However, with the changing scenario, we have to acknowledge and at the same time offer the best scientific treatments for the betterment of females. Cosmetic Gynaecology is the most recent advance in gynaecology that includes procedures to enhance the looks of female external genitalia, as well as functional repairs to restore sexual and urinary function following delivery and /or aging. We have the best vaginal tightening techniques in Darbhanga.

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