— Matrika Heritage Hospital

Hysteroscopic Procedures

What is hysteroscopy?

Polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS is a common, complex, chronic and disturbing hormonal disorder found in women of reproductive age group (approx. 18-45 years). According to the best PCOS expert Gynaecologists and PCOS doctors in Darbhanga, females with PCOS / PCOD may have increased male hormones, irregular periods, and multiple small cysts or fluid-filled sacs in one or both ovaries.


For what conditions hysteroscopy is used?


How is hysteroscopy performed?

A hysteroscopy is performed as an out-patient or day care procedure and you are discharged with in few hours on the same day.

Before starting the procedure, medication is given to help you relax. Local or general anaesthesia may be given depending upon the indication and whether the procedure is performed as an outpatient or in operation theatre.

Usually the hysteroscopy procedure takes 5-30 min and no incisions or cuts into the skin are involved. As the procedure is generally not painful most of the time anaesthesia is not required and any discomfort can be prevented by taking pain killer one hour before the procedure. However, a local anaesthesia can also be given to numb the cervix.

In some cases general anaesthesia is required as in when removing fibroid. When under general anaesthesia you will be asleep during the procedure.

Proper counselling is given before every procedure.

Is hysteroscopy painful ?

Recovery after hysteroscopy or Uterus Removal

Risks and complications of hysteroscopy or uterus Removal

What is the cost for a hysterectomy (uterus removal surgery cost)

What is the cost for a hysterectomy (uterus removal surgery cost)

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